01 Uni, UniPress — Indoor surfaces
Due to its material structure and ingredients it is for indoor use. We recommend it for thermal insulation of indoor wall surfaces. Areas of use: thermal
insulation of interior walls, interior insulation of thermal bridges; on concrete, gypsum,
precast concrete panels and lime, cement or gypsum based plasters. It can be applied
to wood and wood based materials.
02 Front, FrontPress — Outdoor surfaces:
The composition of materials and the binder makes it ideal
for outdoor use. We
recommend it for thermal insulation of outdoor wall surfaces. Areas of use: thermal
insulation of exterior walls, exterior insulation of thermal bridges, flat roof insulation
(bitumen sheets), facade insulation of historic buildings;
on concrete, gypsum, precast
concrete panels and lime, cement or gypsum based plasters. It can be applied to wood
and wood based materials.
03 Application:
Paint brush, paint roller, iron filler, standard spray equipment, spray plastering machine
and airless paint equipment. Pressure: from 10 to 140 bar.